
Classes For All of Our Youth

At St. Paul’s Lutheran, we have age appropriate classes for all of youth. While many of our youth may be small in size, they are all are big in faith. We strive to provide a Christian education which helps our youth to grow in their walk with Christ, while at the same time challenging them to dig deep into the Scriptures so that they will be bold in their witness of Christ to those in the community and around the world. However, Christian education is not limited to a few hours at church each Sunday. Christian education begins in the home. Therefore we encourage and teach that families should devote themselves to the reading of the Scriptures, to the study of the catechism, and to prayer, and to devotion in their homes.

For Proverbs 22:6 tells us, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”


Upcoming Youth Activities

At this time there are no extracuricular youth activities scheduled at this time. Please keep checking our website for updated information.